Sunday 26 February 2017



Today's Thought: Great Priority for Great Possibilities!

"But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you"
                          (Matthew 6:33, NKJV)
Priority means first thing first. It implies placing things in right order. Right priority provokes right possibilities. Correct priority provokes correct possibilities. Great priority provokes great possibilities. We serve a God of possibilities (Mark 10:27), but in line with His great priority; according to the scripture above. You cannot raise up a sealed bottle of a drink to your mouth and expect a flow, without opening the bottle. You must do the right thing first, to enjoy the right possibility. In the same vein, God had set a priority, from the above scripture, for all possibilities. His priority is a great priority, because He is a Great King over the earth (Psalm 47:2).

No matter what you might be going through in your life; it's not about the troubles that comes to you; it's what you do when trouble comes that matters. Never think that the problem you 're facing is too big or insurmountable; don't accept that your condition is critical beyond possible solution. Nothing is impossible with God. Make God the King over your life; His Word the final authority over your situation; His kingdom your great pursuit. Then to every great storm, you are sure of a great calm; to every failure, a supernatural success; to every disappointment, a great breakthrough and to every delay, speed for actualization. The Kingdom of God is the great priority for great possibilities, therefore seek it with all your heart and all things shall be added to you, beyond limitations. Reach out to the lost souls, pray and support the Kingdom of God expansion project, and you will find all your needs met with great possibilities.


Remember this: Your Daily Dominion Depends on You! Have a glorious day.

If you are really blessed by 'Today's Thought', like it and share it with someone.

# Daily Dominion
God's Inspiration for your Transformation!

Friday 24 February 2017

Daily Dominion


Today's Thought: Great Priority for Great Possibilities!

"But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you"
                          (Matthew 6:33, NKJV)
Priority means first thing first. It implies placing things in right order. Right priority provokes right possibilities. Correct priority provokes correct possibilities. Great priority provokes great possibilities. We serve a God of possibilities (Mark 10:27), but in line with His great priority; according to the scripture above. You cannot raise up a sealed bottle of a drink to your mouth and expect a flow, without opening the bottle. You must do the right thing first, to enjoy the right possibility. In the same vein, God had set a priority, from the above scripture, for all possibilities. His priority is a great priority, because He is a Great King over the earth (Psalm 47:2).

No matter what you might be going through in your life; it's not about the troubles that comes to you; it's what you do when trouble comes that matters. Never think that the problem you 're facing is too big or insurmountable; don't accept that your condition is critical beyond possible solution. Nothing is impossible with God. Make God the King over your life; His Word the final authority over your situation; His kingdom your great pursuit. Then to every great storm, you are sure of a great calm; to every failure, a supernatural success; to every disappointment, a great breakthrough and to every delay, speed for actualization. The Kingdom ofgreat priority for great possibilities, therefore seek it with all your heart and all things shall be added to you, beyond limitations. Reach out to the lost souls, pray and support the Kingdom of God expansion project, and you will find all your needs met with great possibilities.


Remember: Your Daily Dominion Depends on You! Have a glorious day.

If you are really blessed by 'Today's Thought', like it and share it with someone.

# Daily Dominion
God's Inspiration for your Transformation!

Friday 17 February 2017

Time:Tool for Greatness!

Time is a fundamental requirement in the School of Greatness.
What you do with your time is what determines your worth in life.

Time itself does not change anything but things change with time through action.
Invest your time wisely for your Greatness!

You are destined for Greatness but at the mercy of Time!
Maximize your Moment to maximize your Greatness.

You will get there!
God bless you.

Like it, and don't forget to share.

Victor Akinwande.
.....Committed to your Greatness.

Thursday 16 February 2017


Money is a Defence. 

To be Moneyless is to be Defenceless. 


Your FUTURE Calls: Send MONEY! 

Your PRESENT Answers: WHERE is MONEY? 

The Answer moment is a Great Moment. 

Keep in touch with the GreatMoment with VictorAkinwande 

For the great Answer to Facing the FUTURE boldly and bouyantly!