Sunday 9 April 2017

The Kingdom Realities Today

#Unveiling the Kingdom of God# (Part 2)

The Three Components of the Kingdom of God:
The Kingdom of God is the governing influence of the unseen Great King (God), from the unseen Great Domain (Heaven), through the unseen Great Authority (the Word), in the seen Great People (Church), making Great Influence (Change), on the Great Colony (Earth).

The three main components of a kingdom are: the King, the domain and the dominion. For us in the Kingdom of God, We have the King of kings (Jesus) and we are made kings and priests to reign on the earth. God is the Great King over all the earth (Psalm 47:2). The Word of God, remains the authority of the Kingdom of God.

The headquarters (Central Domain) of the Kingdom of God is Heaven, but human heart is the physical domain of God on the earth. Our King lives in us because His Word abides in us. The Word became flesh and dwelled among us. Jesus, told us that the Kingdom of God is within us (Luke 17:21). The presence of our King inside us symbolises His presence with us.

The Dominion of our Kingdom of light is by the mystery of the Word of God; ruling and reigning in us, directing us, controlling us, impacting us and changing us to change our world for His Kingdom. The Word of God is the power of God that upholds all things in the Word (Hebrews 1:3).

Our main assignment (Dominion) on the earth is to influence our world positively for the Kingdom of God, so as to reflect God's desires i.e. His will on the earth. This is the purpose of the Holy Spirit, the Resident Governor of the Kingdom of God within us. The coming of the Holy Spirit marked the new era for the Church, with the central focus of making the will of God done on the earth, as it is in heaven. It is all about (i) Righteousness (ii) Peace and (iii) Joy; in the Holy Ghost (Romans 14:17).

My prayer is that; God give us understanding of the plan, purpose, presence, power, pursuit, possession and profession of the Kingdom of God, so that His will is done in every area of human endeavour, beginning from the Church throughout the whole wide world, in Jesus Christ name, amen.

This is how far we'd go today. Let's make it a date again, on the same platform, as the same Resident Governor of the Kingdom of God within us, the Holy Spirit unveils more to us next week Sunday.

God Bless You Beyond Measure for Reading.

Victor Akinwande.

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