Sunday 30 April 2017

#The Kingdom Realities Series#

Unveiling The Kingdom of God (Part 5)

The Three Aspects of The Kingdom of God:

"The Kingdom of God is the governing influence of the invisible Great King (God), from the invisible Domain (Heaven), through the invisible Great Authority (The Word), in the visible Great People (The Church), on the visible Great Colony (The Earth), making Great Influence (Change)".

From the preceeding series on the three dispensations of the Kingdom of God, we discovered that: the original Kingdom that was lost by Adam is being restored through our Lord Jesus Christ. The main objective of the Kingdom of God is dominion of the earth. It means to rule and being in charge of the affairs of the earth but under His authority (Word). The scripture says He upholds all things by the Word of His power (Hebrews 1:3).

Based on the light of the scripture, today we shall deal with the Three Aspects of the Kingdom. If man will influence the dark places of the earth dominated by the kingdom of darkness, these  three become very important. The three are in line with the mystery of Trinity and include: The Kingdom Love; The Kingdom Light and The Kingdom Life.

The Kingdom Love is God's aspect; The Kingdom Light is the Lord Jesus Christ's aspect and; The Kingdom Life is the Holy Spirit's aspect. The three agree in one and make the Kingdom work. The Love gives the Light and the Light shows the Life, in the Kingdom of God. That's why it is called the Kingdom of light. The entire Word of God is centred on these three; and understanding the three is the key to understanding the Kingdom. This key of knowledge is paramount to the Kingdom of God. The Bible says: "ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free" (John 8:32).

Finally, these three were in operation at the creation, in the beginning. God is "Love", He created the heaven and the earth; He said: "let there be 'Light' and there was Light". When He created man, He breathed on man the breath of "Life", and man became a living soul. In the gospel according to John: the three were revealed in the Word: "In him was life; and the life was the light of men" (John 1:4 KJV).

That's how far we'd go today. Let's make it a date again next Sunday, on the same platform, as the Holy Spirit, the Resident Governor of the Kingdom unveils more to us on this same series.

God Bless You Beyond Measures for Reading.

Victor Akinwande
Sought-out, Chosen and Called to Show-forth God's Glory to the whole wide world!

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