Monday 1 May 2017

MONDAY MAY 1, 2017

Today's Thought: PATHWAY TO HONOUR!

      "If any man serve me, let him follow me; and where I am, there shall also my servant be: if any man serve me, him will my Father honour" (John 12:26 KJV).

To be honoured is to be distinguished, recognised and dignified. Everyone love to be appreciated, noticed and placed high in life. Shame has no friend. According to our text for today: following God's Word is the pathway to honour in life.You cannot truly follow His Word and not be honoured by God. If God honours you, no man can dishonour you in life. The best way to terminate shame and reproach in life is to follow what God's Word says per time, concerning every situation. Nothing goes wrong, for them that serve God with their hearts.

Kingdom stewardship is the cure for shame in life. Lack and wants don't bring honour. Failure does not bring honour to any man in life. Any man serving God, must truly follow His Word. When you are being led by God's Word, you will always be ahead. Following God's Word is doing what the Word says. Doing what the Word says attracts reward from God, and that connotes honour. Whatever comes from obeying God's Word is the honour from God. Healing, health, financial blessing, favour, breakthrough in all areas are honour from God. To follow God's Word, you must be connected to the Word of God. Word addiction provokes addition of blessings in return and that's honour from God. Honour from God will always command honour from man.

Ponder on this: Following God's Word is the Pathway to Honour in Life!

Remember: DOING WHAT THE WORD SAYS ATTRACTS REWARD FROM GOD, AND THAT CONNOTES HONOUR! Happy new month and do have a glorious week.

If you are really blessed by 'Today's Thought', like and share it with someone.

God's Inspiration for Transformation!

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