Thursday 18 May 2017


The Future has come and is here!

Man's future was God's past; he existed in God, before he was created. God said: "Let us make man in our image and after our likeness, and let them have dominion over all the earth". The past, present and future of man is in God. Man was finished before he began. One may be thinking, but what of a child now, a student now etc, won't they have a future? Yes, they do. Life can only be understood backwards, but lived forward.

The future depends on what we do in the present. We can view future in two perspectives: based on time and based on a person. Future is a minute succeeding another in life calendar. It is also the person you are destined to be that is not yet manifested. Let me clarify these: there is the future time and there is the future person. The future time is no man's business but God's. The future person is man's responsibility.

Abraham Lincoln said: "The best way to predict your future is to create it". How then do you create your future? The future is locked inside of you, all you need do is to discover it today, in order to deliver it gloriously tomorrow. You don't wish your future, you work and walk at it today. You don't determine your future, you only discover to deliver it. Some had wish they become doctors, but may end up now as bus conductors; some might have wished they are managers of companies, but may be living as messangers today. "If wishes were horses, even beggars will ride".

Besides, future person is dependent on one's actions or inactions today. What you do or do not today, is working your future and walking you towards it. A smoker today is working and walking towards his future. A criminal today, if he does not change, is working and walking towards his future today. A righteous person, if remains today, is working and walking towards his future now. A wicked and unrighteous person today, if continues, is working and walking towards his future today. Do not be deceived, whatsoever a man sows, shall he reap. The law of seedtime and harvest is in effect, as future is concerned. The seed is your action today and time will tell the harvest, because the harvest is sure. Therefore, the future is predictable by choices and actions today, but harvested tomorrow.

Succinctly put, your future is in your daily routine; waiting to be manifested tomorrow. You don't wish for the future, you work and walk towards it, every daily moments. If you are a beggar today and do nothing to change it, you will be a beggar tomorrow. If you are expecting a change and you do nothing today, nothing will change. If you have faith that can move mountains, and you do not put it to work now, nothing will move but time will move forward.

The future has come, the future is here; but you are working and walking towards it now! Live right today for a right future; Live great today for a great future!

Be inspired not to be expired!
Victor Akinwande

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