Thursday 25 May 2017


Today's Thought: THE KEY OF KNOWLEDGE!

     "Woe unto you, lawyers! for ye have taken away the key of knowledge: ye entered not in yourselves, and them that were entering in ye hindered" (Luke 11:52 KJV).

What you don't know, says no to you; what you don't understand, you stand under; what you are ignorant of, easily ignores you. Knowledge is key to living. What you know determines what you own. Knowledge is a capital price for success in any area of human endeavour; and it is non-negotiable, those who try to negotiate will pay dearly for it. Knowledge is powerful but spiritual knowledge is super-powerful, because it stands out when all other knowledge failed. According to today's scripture: knowledge is a key of life. Knowledge can give you an edge over situations. It can put you in charge of the affairs of life. Spiritual knowledge distinguished Daniel in his time. Spiritual knowledge is the knowledge about God, His Word and His Kingdom.

Spiritual knowledge can make you to be known and enthroned in life e.g. Joseph: even from the prison, his spiritual knowledge took him to the palace overnight; and became a Prime minister in a strange land, Egypt. Don't seek to be known but rather seek to know and what you know will make you to be known. God said: "My people are drstroyed for lack of knowledge" (Hosea 4:6). Ignorance destroys but knowledge preserves destiny. We capitalise more on mental knowledge, which is limited and can be outdated; but will pay little or no emphasis on the spiritual knowledge, which is limitless. It is not only for ministers of the gospel or preachers that need to invest in spiritual knowledge, but every believer that desires to be distinguished in life. It is through spiritual knowledge that we access our inheritance in God (2 Peter 1:3). Spiritual knowledge is the stabiliser of destiny; nothing stabilises and bring order to a life like spiritual knowledge (Isaiah 33:6). It is by knowledge: that grace and peace are multiplied in the life of a believer (2 Peter 1:2). Only those who invest in spiritual knowledge, end up becoming solutionists. It is wise to invest in spiritual knowledge, that puts one in charge of the affairs of life. Go for spiritual knowledge, because it is the key to a world of no limit!

Ponder on this: Spiritual Knowledge is The Key to Unlocking The Supernatural in Life!


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God's Inspiration for Transformation?

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