Tuesday 9 January 2018


Today's Thought: THE BREATH OF LIFE!

      "And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul" (Genesis 2:7 KJV)

God's plan and purpose for man is dominion as He said:"Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion.." (Genesis 1:26). He then formed man and never let him alone helpless, but also released His life into man through His breath: so that he can live like Him in his spirit, soul and body. God planned the best for man, so He gave His best for man.Nevertheless, because of disobedience to the Word of God, man got disconnected from his source of dominion; he got disconnected: from good thoughts to evil thoughts; from good acts to bad characters; from love to lust; from peace to violence; from godliness to worldliness.

The state of the world around us today is a product of the status of the mind within human beings; which is the reason God sent His only begotten Son, to restore man back to his original status of dominion. Man's emotion, will and intellect: that lacked supernatural control has put the world into commotions. Only The Holy Spirit can effectively control the motion of man's emotions, will and intellect, for supernatural disposition of perfection, peace and prosperity in the world. As you go on with life, you need to allow: the Holy Spirit resident in you, as a believer to take over your life; in order to live the best of life that manifest in perfection, peace and prosperity in your endeavours with man and God; so as to be fit for God's Kingdom. Shalom!

Ponder on this: The Breath of Life, for Living The Best of Life, is The Holy Spirit: Resident in The Believers!

Remember: . Do Have a Glorious Day.

If you are really blessed by 'Today's Thought', like and share it with someone.

God's Inspiration for Transformation!

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