Monday 27 March 2017


The Kingdom of God is the Influence of the unseen Great King (God), from the unseen Great Domain  (Heaven), through the unseen Great Authority (Word), in the seen Great People (Church), making Great Influence (Change) on the seen Great Colony (Earth).

A Kingdom is the governing influence of a King over his territory, impacting it with his personal will, purpose and intent, producing a culture, values, morals and lifestyle that reflects the King's desires and nature for his citizens.

Exactly fourteen years ago, February 22, 2003 to be precised; God gave me a Mandate and said unto me:

"Go and Set My People free; Call Them In and Proclaim Salvation; for ALL to be with ME at the Great Banquet Soon; by the Preaching of the Word of Truth".

Therefore, for great fourteen years, God has expounded to me some mysteries of the Kingdom and powerful truth of the Kingdom, that Jesus came to restore, which was lost by Adam. Adam never lose Religion, what Adam lost was the Kingdom. That's exactly what Jesus brought back to the earth. For three and half years, Jesus established the golden truth of the Kingdom. But lo and behold, religion has preoccupied the Church from these realities. Now, the time has come to Rediscover the Kingdom Love, Embrace the Kingdom Light, to Live the Kingdom Life of Great Peace on the earth. This is the Mission that I am destined to embark on.

For these past fourteen years, God has loaded me with the dispensational truth of the Kingdom of God. Now, the moment to discharge them has come. Why not join me on this same platform every Sunday, as the Holy Spirit, the Resident Governor of the Kingdom of God, unveils the nitty-gritty of the Kingdom of God, that the religion has veiled over the years.

Tips of the ice berg:
#Kingdom as the original intent of the Creation;
#The Three Components  of the Kingdom of God;
#The Three Dimensions of the Kingdom of God;
#The Three Dispensations of the Kingdom of God;
#The Three Aspects of the Kingdom of God (Light, Love & Life).
-The Kingdom Creation
-The Kingdom Operation
-The Kingdom Manifestation
-The Kingdom Expansion

#(Thy Kingdom COME):........#CreationOperationManifestationExpansion#

I can't wait, to hear your comments and reactions as time comes.

God bless you beyond measures for reading.

#Victor Akinwande.
#Sought-out, Chosen and Called, to Show forth God's Glory to the Whole Wide World#

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